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en:pdf [2022/11/02 16:38]
cerini [L-Z]
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-^ [[start|Home]]^ [[en:Bibliography|Bibliography]]^ [[en:faq|FAQ]]^ [[en:pdf|PDF]]^ [[en:Italian Sound Files|Italian Sound Files]]^ [[en:Italian Pronunciation and Accents| Italian Pronunciation and Accents]]^ [[en:errata|Errata]]^ [[en:Useful Links|Useful Links]] ^\\ 
-====== NEW E-MAIL: ====== 
-:!: **Please write exclusively to __[[|]]__. My other mailbox __canepari@unive.it__ has been discontinued.** :!: 
-I would like to point out that, to my knowledge, no photographic images of myself are available online. If any picture appears on a webpage as attributed to Luciano Canepari, it either is a case of homonymy or the attribution is incorrect -- L. Canepari 
-====== canIPA Natural Phonetics – Downloadable PDF files ====== 
-=== Bibliography === 
-  * Here is a **{{ :en:natural_phonetics_bibl.pdf |list}}** (updated March, 2019 :!:) of the books published so far and those under preparation detailing the **Natural Phonetics and Tonetics** method and its **//canIPA//** phonetic alphabet, as well as the in-depth analysis of several languages. Some older publications included in the list are still valid in terms of theoretical and technical accuracy, but have been superseded by more recent and extended works. Accordingly, the PDFs available on this page should not be intended as an exhaustive anthology, but as a careful selection of what is most useful and updated to approach Natural Phonetics and Tonetics. Alongside monographic PDFs and single chapters from such "vintage" works as //A Handbook of Pronunciation//, this page provides quite extensive excerpts from newer handbooks such as our **[[|Lincom series]]** about the pronunciation and accents of individual languages.  
-=== A concise presentation of Natural Phonotonetics — And a note on review(er)s === 
-  * The Internet has made it possible for many to get to know our work, and more than once, that has led to fruitful cooperation and even friendly relationships. In a small number of cases, however, the same unfiltered straightforwardness that makes information so easy to access and share has prompted some to approach Natural Phonotonetics without the necessary prudence and openness. That is why we thought that :!: **{{:en:npt_concise_presentation_and_note_on_review_er_s.pdf|a word of caution}}** :!: would be helpful to dissipate any possible source of misunderstanding and, hopefully, encourage both passionate beginners as well as open-minded phoneticians working with the official IPA to appreciate Natural Phonotonetics as much as we do. 
-=== A note on the visualization of the dots on our tonograms === 
-  * :!: The dots on our tonograms should appear as filled dots (not as empty ones, with only a very thin edge, as reported by some readers). Thus, for a better result, we warmly suggest to look at our PDF's by using professional programs, not only when those files contain tonograms. 
-=== General Handbooks === 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Natural Phonetics & Tonetics|Natural Phonetics & Tonetics]]** (NPT) 
-=== English === 
-  * **[[en:pdf#English Pronunciation & Accents|English Pronunciation & Accents]]** (EPA) 
-  * **{{en:canepari_english_diachronic_2016.pdf|Some Diachronic Stages of English (Including Early Modern English)}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:mle_london_pronunciation.pdf |“Multicultural” London Pronunciation}}** — March 2018 
-=== Italian === 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Italian Pronunciation & Accents|Italian Pronunciation & Accents]]** (IPA) 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Manuale di pronuncia italiana|Manuale di pronuncia italiana]]** (M<sup>a</sup>PI – A Handbook of Italian Pronunciation [in Italian]) 
-  * **[[en:pdf#La buona pronuncia italiana del terzo millennio|La buona pronuncia italiana del terzo millennio]]** (The Good Pronunciation of Italian in the Third Millennium [in Italian]) 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Dizionario di pronuncia italiana|Dizionario di pronuncia italiana]]** (D<sup>i</sup>PI - A Dictionary of Italian Pronunciation [in Italian])  :!: [[|Online version available!]] :!: 
-  * **{{en:italian_intonation.pdf|Italian intonation: neutral & regional accents}}** 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Pronunce straniere dell’italiano|Pronunce straniere dell’italiano]]** (ProSIt - Foreign Pronunciations of Italian [in Italian]) 
-=== Other Contents === 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Other Languages|Other Languages]]** 
-  * **[[en:pdf#Other PDFs|Other PDFs]]** 
-===== Natural Phonetics & Tonetics =====  
-[[|Publisher's page]] 
-Two extended excerpts: 
-  * **{{en:natural_phonetics.pdf|Natural Phonetics}}** 
-  * **{{en:natural_tonetics.pdf|Natural Tonetics}}** 
-Additional contents: 
-  * **{{en:npt_22_dead_languages_1.pdf|NPT Dead Languages (Part 1)}}** 
-  * **{{en:npt_22_dead_languages_2.pdf|NPT Dead Languages (Part 2)}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:npt_cebuano_tetum_coptic_kashmiri.pdf |NPT Cebuano, Tetum, Coptic, and Kashmiri}}** 
-===== English Pronunciation & Accents ===== 
-[[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * An extended excerpt from **{{english_pronunciation_c.pdf|English Pronunciation & Accents}}** 
-Extra contents: 
-  * **{{en:epa_284_.pdf|Different vowel timbres used by monolingual native speakers}}** (Ch. 284) 
-===== Italian Pronunciation & Accents ===== 
-  * An extended excerpt from **{{ :en:italian_pronunciation_c.pdf |Italian Pronunciation & Accents}}** 
-===== Manuale di pronuncia italiana ===== 
-  * **{{en:MaPI_Integraz121.pdf|additions and corrections}}** to the 2004 amended and modified reprint 
-  * **{{en:Miniantologia.pdf|Mini-antologia fono-tonetica}}** 
-===== La buona pronuncia italiana del terzo millennio ===== 
-  * **{{en:iii_mil_indice_9_10_note.pdf| Index, Chapters 9–10, and notes}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:terzo_millennio.pdf |Chapter 8}}** 
-===== Dizionario di pronuncia italiana ===== 
-  * An **{{ :en:dizion_pronun_italiana_intro.pdf|introduction to the DiPI}}** with a few suggestions on how to use it (in Italian); 
-  * **{{ :en:dizion_pronun_italiana_a-z.pdf|Body text of the dictionary}}** for those who want to print it out; 
-  * **[[|Publisher's page]]**. 
-  * **{{ :en:x_dipim.pdf|Il DiPIM - Progetto d'ampliamento e aggiornamento del DiPI}}** [DiPIM - A Project for an Extended and Updated Edition of the DiPI] (Luciano Canepari). :!: October 11, 2019 
-:!: And finally, an excellent **[[|online version of the DiPI]]** :!: 
-===== Pronunce straniere dell’italiano ===== 
-And lastly here’s the whole of **//Pronunce straniere dell’italiano//**. 
-//It is advisable to print 2 pages per horizontal sheet, which is why the font has been set to such a large size.// 
-^{{en:000_Frontespizio.pdf|Frontespizio}}^{{en:02_3_Portog.pdf|Portoghese (lusitano e brasiliano)}}^{{en:07_3_Israele.pdf|Ebraico (Israele)}}^ 
-^{{en:001_Generalita.pdf|Generalità}}^{{en:02_4_Romania.pdf|Romeno (e moldavo)}}^{{en:07_4_Etiopia.pdf|Amàrico (Etiopia)}}^ 
-^{{en:002_Vocali.pdf|Vocali}}^{{en:03_1_Russia.pdf|Russo (con ucraino e bielorusso)}}^{{en:07_5_Somalia.pdf|Sòmalo}}^ 
-^{{en:003_Consonanti.pdf|Consonanti}}^{{en:03_2_Polonia.pdf|Polacco}}^{{en:08_1_Persia.pdf|Persiano (Iran)}}^ 
-^{{en:004_Strutt_pros.pdf|Strutture prosodiche}}^{{en:03_3_exCecoslovacchia.pdf|Ex-cecoslovacco (ceco e slovacco)}}^{{en:08_2_India.pdf|Hindi (India ecc.)}}^ 
-^{{en:005_Strutt_inton.pdf|Strutture intonative}}^{{en:03_4_exIugoslavia.pdf|Ex-iugoslavo (croato, serbo, bosniaco, macedone, sloveno)}}^{{en:09_1_Filippine.pdf|Filippino}}^ 
-^{{en:006_Testo_trascr.pdf|Testo in trascrizione}}^{{en:03_5_Bulgaria.pdf|Búlgaro}}^{{en:09_2_Indonesia.pdf|Indonesiano}}^ 
-^{{en:007_Pron_tradiz.pdf|Pronuncia tradizionale e altro…}}^{{en:04_1_Lettonia.pdf|Lèttone}}^{{en:10_1_Turchia.pdf|Turco}}^ 
-^{{en:01_1_Inghilt.pdf|Inglese (con varianti)}}^{{en:04_2_Lituania.pdf|Lituano}}^{{en:10_2_Mongolia.pdf|Mòngolo}}^ 
-^{{en:01_2_Germ.pdf|Tedesco (con varianti)}}^{{en:05_1_Ungheria.pdf|Ungherese}}^{{en:10_3_Corea.pdf|Coreano}}^ 
-^{{en:01_3_Olanda.pdf|Nederlandese (olandese e fiammingo)}}^{{en:05_2_Finlandia.pdf|Finlandese}}^{{en:10_4_Giappone.pdf|Giapponese}}^ 
-^{{en:01_4_Danimarca.pdf|Danese}}^{{en:05_3_Estonia.pdf|Èstone}}^{{en:11_1_Cina.pdf|Cinese (mandarino ecc.)}}^ 
-^{{en:01_5_Norvegia.pdf|Norvegese}}^{{en:06_1_Albania.pdf|Albanese (tosco e ghego)}}^{{en:12_1_Cambogia.pdf|Cambogiano (khmer)}}^ 
-^{{en:01_6_Svezia.pdf|Svedese}}^{{en:06_2_Grecia.pdf|Greco (e cipriota)}}^{{en:12_2_Vietnam.pdf|Vietnamita}}^ 
-^{{en:01_7_Islanda.pdf|Islandese}}^{{en:06_3_Caucaso.pdf|Armeno e georgiano}}^{{en:13_1_Africa_centrocc.pdf|Africano centroccidentale}}^ 
-^{{en:02_1_Francia.pdf|Francese (con varianti)}}^{{en:07_1_Malta.pdf|Maltese}}^{{en:14_1_Papua.pdf|Tok pisin (pidgin)}}^ 
-^{{en:02_2_Spagna.pdf|Spagnolo (con varianti)}}^{{en:07_2_Arabia.pdf|Arabo (e bèrbero)}}^{{en:15_1_Tailandia.pdf|Tailandese (siamese)}}^ 
-^ ^ ^{{en:16_Biblio.pdf|Bibliografia}}^/tab 
-===== Other Languages ===== 
-==== A-E ==== 
-  * **{{ :en:apa2_200118.pdf | Arabic Pronunciation & Accents - Ch. 6, 8, 9, 11, 12}}** — 2020 
-  * **{{:en:arabic200318.pdf|Arabic Pronunciation & Accents - Regional Accents}}** — 2020 [[|Publisher's page]]  
-  * **{{ :en:nafusi_berber_lybia_.pdf|Berber (Nafusi)}}** — August 2020 
-  * **{{ :en:catalan_pronunciation_and_accents.pdf |Catalan Pronunciation and Accents}}** — June 2022 
-  * **{{ :en:chinese_pronunciation_c.pdf|Chinese Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2017 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:chuvash_pronunciation.pdf |Chuvash Pronunciation}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:danish_pronunciation2.pdf |Danish Pronunciation}}** – August 2020 
-  * **{{ :en:dutch_afrikaans_pron_c.pdf |Dutch & Afrikaans Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2016 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{en:hpr_13_esperanto.pdf|Esperanto Pronunciation}}** 
-==== F-K ==== 
-  * **{{ :en:finnish_pronunciation.pdf |Finnish Pronunciation}}** — March 2019 
-  * **{{en:french_pronunciation_c.pdf |French Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2017 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:mpf_paris_pronunciation.pdf |French — “Multicultural” Paris Pronunciation}}** — March 2018 
-  * **{{ :en:galician_202202.pdf|Galician Pronunciation & Accents}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{ :en:german_pronunciation_c_.pdf |German Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2016 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:German_multicultural_Berlin_202202.pdf |German — “Multicultural” Berlin Pronunciation}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{ :en:German_On_review_er_s_202202.pdf |German — A note on reviews and reviewers}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{:en:Greek_Ancient_202202.pdf|Ancient Greek Pronunciation & Modern Accents}}** — February 2022 :!: [["ISBN 9783969392324"|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:greek_200301.pdf |Greek Pronunciation & Accents}}** — March 2020 
-  * **{{ :en:hebrew.pdf |Hebrew Pronunciation & Accents}}** — March 2019 
-  * **{{ :en:hindi_pronunciation_c.pdf |Hindi Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2017 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:old_irish.pdf |Old Irish}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:japanese_pronunciation_c.pdf |Japanese Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2017 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:korean_pronunciation.pdf |Korean Pronunciation}}** 
-==== L-Z ==== 
-  * **{{:en:canepari_-_latin_pronunciation_and_ancient_and_modern_accents_2022.10.pdf|Latin Pronunciation & Ancient & Modern Accents}}** — November 2022 :!: [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * {{:en:canepari_-_latin_pronunciation_and_ancient_and_modern_accents_copertina_2022.10.jpg?200|}} 
-  * **{{ :en:norwegian_pronunciation.pdf |Norwegian Pronunciation}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:persian_200301.pdf |Persian Pronunciation & Accents}}** — March 2020 
-  * **{{ :en:portuguese_pronunciation_and_acnts.pdf |Portuguese Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2017 
-  * **{{en:Romanian_202202.pdf |Romanian Pronunciation & Accents}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{en:russian_pronunciation.pdf|Russian Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2018 
-  * **{{en:Sanskrit_202202.pdf |Sanskrit Pronunciation}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{en:sps_mediatic_castilian.pdf|Spanish - Mediatic Castilian}}** 
-  * **{{en:bad_good_ways_spanish_vowels.pdf|Spanish - Bad and good ways to show the vowels of Spanish}}** 
-  * **{{en:canepari_miotti_-_spanish_pronunciation_and_accents_extract_.pdf |Spanish Pronunciation & Accents}}** [extract] – November 2022 :!: 
-  * **{{en:canepari_swedish_pronunciation_20170609.pdf|Swedish Pronunciation}}** 
-  * **{{ :en:thai130.pdf|Thai Pronunciation}}** — 2021 
-  * **{{ :en:turkish_pronunciation_c.pdf |Turkish Pronunciation & Accents}}** — 2016 [[|Publisher's page]] 
-  * **{{ :en:vietnamese_pronunciation.pdf |Vietnamese Pronunciation}}** — July 2020 :!: 
-  * **{{ :en:welsh_pronunciation.pdf |Welsh Pronunciation}}**  
-===== Other PDFs ===== 
-  * **{{en:NoteOfThanks.pdf|A Note of Thanks}}** [in Italian, English, and French] 
-  * **{{en:Voyelles_nasales_franc111.pdf|On fait de la phonétique avec les oreilles, pas avec les yeux! Le cas des voyelles nasales du français.}}** [Phonetics Should Be Done With Our Ears, Not Our Eyes (in French)] – June 2007  
-  * **{{en:Orale.pdf|Trasparenza e opacità fonica: per una comparazione fra lingue romanze}}** [Phonic Transparency and Opacity: For a Comparison Between Romance Languages] An intervention by Luciano Canepari at the day of study on //Orality and Mutual Understandability Between Romance Languages – Researches and Teaching Implications// – Venice University, December 7<sup>th</sup>, 2006) 
-  * **{{en:canepari_on_writing_systems.pdf|Writing systems: the utmost monstrosity of alphabets and 'orthographies'}}** November 2014 
-  * A few remarks by Luciano Canepari on the Italian **{{:en:doping.pdf|DOP — Dizionario di ortografia e pronunzia}}** [A Dictionary of Orthography and Pronunciation] – September 2019 
-  * **{{:en:canepari_-_pronunciare_lingue_antiche_e_costruite.pdf|Pronunciare lingue antiche (latino, greco, sanscrito) e costruite (esperanto)}}** [Pronuncing Ancient Languages (Latin, Greek, Sanscrit) and Constructed Languages (Esperanto) –– (in Italian)] – November 2022 :!: 
-  * {{:en:canepari_-_pronunciare_lingue_antiche_e_costruite_copertina_.png?200|}} 
-===== Further PDFs ===== 
-  * A selected **{{ :en:bibliography_2021.pdf |Bibliography 2021}}** of my books using canIPA Natural Phonotonetics principles. A number of pdf articles on other languages or variants are downloadable from the specific section of this site — February 2022 :!: 
-  * An extended excerpt from the Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (Italian Pronouncing Dictionary), the **{{ :en:dipi_202202.pdf |DiPI}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  * English: 
-  *   * **{{ :en:English_Additional_Mediatic_American_202202.pdf |Additional mediatic American English variants}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  *   * **{{ :en:English_Alaska_202202.pdf |The Alaskan accent of English}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  *   * **{{ :en:English_Further_Mediatic_Accents_202202.pdf |Further local mediatic accents of English}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  *   * **{{ :en:English_Mediatic_North_England_202202.pdf |Mediatic Northern-English accent}}** — February 2022 :!: 
-  *   * **{{ :en:EPs_Mediatic_Celtic_202202.pdf |Celtic mediatic accents of English}}** — February 2022 :!:    
-  * **{{ :en:English_Four_Mediatic_Accents_202202.pdf |A note on 4 mediatic accents (3 of German and 1 of French)}}** — February 2022 :!:  
en/pdf.1667396299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/02 16:38 by cerini